OECD Ambassador and Former Congresswoman to Address NIST “Bioeconomics”Conference in September

WASHINGTON (30 August 2007) — Connie Morella, U.S. ambassador and permanent representative to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), will address attendees at a conference designed to examine the role technology can play in helping the United States manage health care costs at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, Md., on 25 September.

The goal of “Economic Strategy for Health Care through Bio and Information Standards and Technologies” is to emphasize the need to develop and implement a long-term economic strategy for new biomarker measurement and information standards and technologies for the health care system. Conference organizers believe rising health care costs can be reigned in by increasing our emphasis on disease prevention, rather than diagnosis and treatment.

For more information and to register, see http://www.itl.nist.gov/Healthcare/conf/index.htm.

Ambassador Morella was a staunch supporter of NIST during her 16 years (1987-2003) representing Maryland’s eighth district in the U.S. House of Representatives. She led efforts to promote economic growth through science and technology and chaired the House Committee on Science’s Subcommittee on Technology. A key supporter of biotechnology and advanced scientific research, she is also credited with spearheading legislation to advance technology transfer from federal labs to private industry.

The all-day conference will bring together key government, industry, academic and research leaders and patient advocates. This will help policy makers and corporate leaders understand where technology investments should be made to enhance health care quality, wellness and disease prevention, while minimizing cost.

Dr. Jerry Grossman, senior fellow and director of the Harvard/Kennedy School Health Care Delivery Policy Program and chairman emeritus of New England Medical Center, is the honorary chair and opening speaker. Dr. James Turner, NIST deputy director, will also speak. Peter Neupert, Microsoft’s corporate vice president for health strategy, will deliver the keynote address.

Featured presentations will be offered by Dr. Janet Woodcock, deputy commissioner for operations, Food & Drug Administration; Steven Burrill, CEO, Burrill & Co.; Greg Tassey, senior economist, NIST; and Anthony Arundel, senior research and policy analyst, OECD.
The Biotechnology Council and NIST are cosponsoring the event. The Biotechnology Council is composed of many professional societies, including: the Society for Biological Engineering; the Biomedical Engineering Society; the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the Healthcare Information Management Systems Society; and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. These societies have a total membership of nearly 750,000.


WASHINGTON (18 September 2007) — Tracing newspaper coverage of climate change over the last 100 years, THE NEW YORK TIMES Environment Reporter Andrew Revkin cited two TIMES’ articles from 1932 — on Thomas Edison’s preference for the sun as a source of energy over coal and oil; and a report on how a warmer world resulted in higher seas. Revkin moderated a 4 September panel on “Climate Change: The Scientific Evidence,” at the 60th Annual United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI)/Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Conference in New York City.
THE TIMES’ reporter called for a research-based “technological revolution” to address predicted temperature and precipitation changes. According to the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), if no action is taken on greenhouse gases, the earth’s temperature could rise by 4.5 degrees Centigrade (8.1 degrees Fahrenheit) — or more. In response to Revkin, another UN DPI/NGO conference panelist, Zhenlin Chen, deputy director-general in the Department of International Cooperation of the China Meteorological Association, cited the need for additional research in alternative energies to increase energy efficiencies.
Some 2,000 civil society representatives from non-governmental organizations in 90 countries participated in the DPI/NGO conference on “Climate Change: How It Impacts Us All,” at UN Headquarters from 4-7 September. The conference was convened on the eve of several milestone events on the UN climate change agenda. According to the UN, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon of South Korea will seek “to accelerate a global response to climate change” when he meets with more than 70 heads of state or government from more than 150 countries at a high-level meeting on 24 September at UN Headquarters. In addition, the UN is scheduling these events: in November, releases of the Human Development Report and the IPCC synthesis report; and, in December, the Climate Change Conference in Bali, Indonesia.
In anticipation of these events and the expiration of the current Kyoto protocol in 2012, the conference participants issued a declaration on “Climate Change Threats — An NGO Framework for Action.” The declaration affirmed “that climate change is one of the most serious threats humanity and our environment has ever faced,” and that “we commit ourselves over the next 12 months to propose NGO solutions to these threats before they become irreversible.”
Also at the conference on 4 September, UN Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro of Tanzania told the multinational delegates gathered in the General Assembly: “NGOs have historically been at the forefront of the struggle to draw attention to the environment, and to push for action to protect it.” Migiro stressed that NGOs would be challenged to “encourage new kinds of cleaner and sustainable businesses, industries and jobs; make better and more intelligent use of scarce natural resources; and reinvest in our depleted natural capital, from forests to freshwaters — and from soils to biodiversity.”
This was the sixth year in which the IEEE maintained a connection with the annual DPI/NGO conference through an IEEE-USA staff person’s professional affiliation with the International Public Relations Association (IPRA), a public-relations NGO associated with the UN DPI, the UN Economic and Social Council, and the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
At the 59th Annual UN DPI/NGO conference, on 7 September 2006 in New York, the IEEE and Engineers Week (through IPRA and IEEE-USA) presented a midday workshop on nurturing science, technology, engineering and mathematics skills in young females in developing and developed countries.
See http://www.theinstitute.ieee.org/portal/site/tionline/menuitem.130a3558587d56e8fb2275875bac26c8/index.jsp?&pName=institute_level1_article&TheCat=2201&article=tionline/legacy/inst2006/nov06/fwomen.xml&
Also, in connection with Engineers Week, the IEEE (again, through IPRA and IEEE-USA) spearheaded a 25 March 2004 UN NGO briefing to some 150 international NGO representatives on “Girls and Technology: New Educational Opportunities.”
Go to http://www.todaysengineer.org/2004/May/girlsday.asp The DPI/NGO conference consisted of two plenary sessions, seven roundtables, and 32 midday workshops covering the latest scientific evidence on climate change, including its consequences on indigenous peoples, water security, land use and the politics of energy. IEEE-USA Senior Public Relations Counselor Pender M. McCarter participated in this year’s meeting as IPRA’s alternate delegate to United Nations Headquarters. More information on the conference, including the NGO declaration and streaming video, can be found at http://www.unngodpiconference.org/ IEEE-USA has received two “Golden World” public-relations awards from IPRA, including one for IEEE-USA’s support of the IEEE’s global Engineers Week activities. See http://www.ieeeusa.org/communications/releases/2004/070904pr.html

First IEEE-USA Innovation Forum Coming in November to Help Prepare U.S.Tech Leaders to Prosper in a Global Marketplace

WASHINGTON (1 October 2007) — Because engineers are our country’s principal innovators, and innovation generates economic activity and leads to desirable, high-paying jobs, IEEE-USA will host its first IEEE-USA Innovation Forum at the Fairview Park Marriott in Falls Church, Va., on 6-8 November.
The day-and-a-half forum is designed to promote the innovation process, highlight new technologies and trends, and help scientists, engineers and allied professionals improve their innovative skills. Unlike programs offered by and for business school graduates, the IEEE-USA Innovation Forum is grounded in the experience of successful technology innovators.
IEEE-USA Innovation Institute President Ralph W. Wyndrum thinks the forum will benefit individuals and their organizations in today’s globally competitive environment.
“Innovation has been the hallmark of American engineering,” said Wyndrum, who served as IEEE-USA president in 2006. “We need to retain our role as the world’s technology leader and innovation incubator. Our forum will help prepare leaders responsible for the innovation of new products and services by sharing the experiences of successful innovators in a coordinated program of interaction, mentoring and networking.”
Current and future leaders from industry, academia and government will have the opportunity to learn from a distinguished faculty that includes: Mike Austin, who has served as president and CEO of numerous U.S. steel companies; Alain Rostain, founder and principal of Creative Advantage, a strategic innovation consulting firm; Mauro Togneri, a former president and senior executive of U.S. companies with R&D, sales and manufacturing operations around the world; and Steve Walker, an entrepreneur and former Defense Department engineer who helped develop the ARPAnet packet switching system that evolved into the Internet.
Howard Lieberman, founder and CEO of the Silicon Valley Innovation Institute, will deliver the keynote address.
Attendees will learn to innovate in a team-setting and work through real case studies. Group discussions and exercises will focus on:
* Leadership and culture’s impact on innovation
* Large vs. small organizations as foundations for innovation
* The innovation process and how to leverage your style to promote innovation
* Capitalizing on new technologies and processes
The event begins on 6 November with an opening night reception and dinner. The forum starts the next day with a full day of teaching and includes breakfast, lunch and breaks. It will conclude with a half-day program that includes breakfast and a morning break. The cost is $795 for IEEE members and $950 for non-members. See http://www.innovation-institute.org/dcforum/.
The IEEE-USA Innovation Forum is part of the IEEE-USA Innovation Institute (http://www.innovation-institute.org/).


WASHINGTON (2 October 2007) — From a field of 13 prominent candidates, the IEEE Computer Society has selected David L. Parnas of the Software Quality Research Laboratory at Ireland’s University of Limerick; and Maurice V. Wilkes, of the University of Cambridge, to receive the one-time IEEE Computer Society 60th Anniversary Award.
The award recognizes an individual or individuals who have been responsible for a fundamental and important computer science and engineering contribution over the past century. Selection committee members paid careful attention to the originality and significance of a contribution, as well as the weight of its impact on computer science and engineering, as well as society at large.
The combined award citation reads: “For their seminal contributions to the discipline of computing. Maurice Wilkes pioneered microprogramming, which enabled very large and complex hardware structures to be implemented reliably and systematically. David Parnas provided insights into making large-scale systems development manageable with the concepts of encapsulation and information hiding, and helped establish software development as an engineering discipline firmly rooted in mathematics.”
Parnas is an icon in the software engineering field. He is one of its founders and most influential authors, writing the first papers on program families (now known as product lines) and interface designs. Parnas wrote widely cited papers on synchronization primitives that were very important as examples of certain models such as Petri Nets. His research on information hiding is now widely accepted as the basis of object-oriented and other design methods. Parnas’ work on the precise specification of programs and model checking has led to current practices in formal methods and safe systems.
Wilkes designed and built EDSAC (1949), the world’s first practical stored program computer, and in 1951 developed the concept of microprogramming. His 1958 EDSAC 2 was the first computer to have a microprogrammed control unit and established the viability of microprogramming as a basis for computer design. Wilkes also developed Titan, which supported the UK’s first time-sharing system and provided wider access to computing resources for university researchers. In a notable design feature, the Titan’s operating system provided controlled access based on the identity of the program, as well as or instead of, the identity of the user.
The IEEE Computer Society sponsors an active awards program that recognizes both technical achievement and service to the Society and the profession. In the technical area, awards are presented for pioneering and significant contributions to the field of computer science and engineering. Service awards are presented to both volunteers and staff for well-defined and highly valued contributions to the Society.

To learn more about IEEE Computer Society Awards, visit http://www.computer.org/awards.

IEEE/IEEE-USA Seek Nominations for 2008 “New Faces of Engineering” Recognition Program
WASHINGTON (9 October 2007) — The IEEE and IEEE-USA are seeking nominations for the 2008 Engineers Week (EWeek) “New Faces of Engineering” recognition program. The campaign recognizes engineers new to the profession with outstanding educational and career accomplishments, and is open to IEEE members worldwide.
An annual event since 2002, the EWeek “New Faces” program promotes the importance of technical education, celebrates engineering careers and recognizes significant contributions to the engineering profession and society. Each year, the EWeek Web site (www.eweek.org) features the photos and biographies of five notable young engineers from each EWeek sponsoring society. In addition, a full-page USA Today ad that runs during EWeek recognizes the top individual nominee from each society. EWeek 2008 is 17-23 February.

The EWeek “New Faces” criteria for recognition are:* Engineers must be 30 or younger as of 1 December 2007.
* Nominees must have a degree in engineering from a recognized U.S.college or university, or from an equivalent international educational institution. Degrees in engineering technology, science, computer science and similar disciplines do not qualify; a degree in computer engineering is acceptable.
* Nominees must be a member of a sponsoring EWeek partner.

IEEE nominations can be submitted through IEEE regional directors, section and GOLD chairs, or independently, and should be directed to Helen Hall at h.hall@ieee.org. The nomination form and more information are available at http://www.eweek.org/site/Engineers/newfaces2008/nomination.shtml. The deadline for all IEEE nominations is 9 November 2007

Dr. Carlos Cordeiro was the IEEE / IEEE-USA’s “New Face” for 2007. He was featured in IEEE-USA Today’s Engineer Online: http://www.todaysengineer.org/2007/Mar/new-face.asp

Sponsored by more than 100 engineering, science and education societies, as well as major corporations dedicated to increasing public awareness and appreciation of engineering, EWeek is celebrated annually by thousands of engineers, engineering students, teachers and leaders in government and business. The IEEE served as lead society during EWeek 1993 and 2004.
IBM and the Chinese Institute of Engineers-USA are serving as EWeek 2008 co-chairs.


21st Annual IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2008)

May 4-7 2008, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada


“The Wonders of Technology”

The 2008 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2008) will be held in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada from May 4-7. CCECE 2008 provides a forum for the presentation of electrical and computer engineering research and development from

Canada and around the world. There will be eight mini symposia and papers are invited, in French or English, including but not limited to the following topics:
– Biomedical Engineering: Chair:Karthi Umapathy, UHN-Toronto

– Communications and Networking: Chair: Murat Uysal, U. Waterloo

– Circuits, Devices and Systems: Chair: Stefano Gregori, U. Guelph

– Computer Systems and Appl’s: Chair: Eddie Law, Ryerson

– Control and Robotics: Chair:K. Hashtrudi-Zaad, Queens Univ.

– Power Electronics and Systems: Chair: Bin Wu, Ryerson


– Emerging Areas: Chair: Shahram Shahbazpanahi, UOIT

– Signal and Multimedia Processing: Chair: Vijay Parsa, U. W. O.

Regular Paper Submission Please submit full length paper(s) to the Technical Program Committee using the on-line submission process on our web site at http://www.ccece08.org before December 7, 2007. Click on Call For Papers and follow the instructions provided. All accepted and registered papers will appear in the conference proceedings and will be archived in IEEE Xplore. There are also best paper competitions. Tutorial and Workshop Proposals Submission Proposals for half-day tutorials and workshops should be submitted before December 7, 2007 to the Tutorials Chair at xavier@ieee.org. Important Dates Full length paper must be received by: Friday, December 7, 2007 Special Session proposals must be received by: Friday, December 7, 2007 Notification of acceptance will be sent out by: Friday, January 18, 2008 Author’s Registration ends by: Friday, March 7, 2008 Advance Registration ends by: Friday, April 4, 2008 Industrial Exhibits and Sponsorships For industrial exhibits please contact the Industrial Exhibits Chair at a.kormos@ieee.org. For sponsorships please contact the Sponsorship Chair at janbee@ieee.org. Questions or Comments For any questions or comments, please contact the Conference Secretariat: Ms. Cathie Lowell, CCECE 2008, IEEE Canada, PO Box 63005, University Postal Outlet,

102 Plaza Drive, Dundas, ON,L9H 4H0. Ph/Fax: (905) 628 – 9554, Email: admin@ieee.ca

THE LATEST ISSUE OF IEEE’S “THE INSTITUTE” IN NOW AVAILABLE AThttp://www.ieee.org/theinstitute Included in this issue:* Earth Observation Group Nears Agreement on How to Proceed: How do you get thousands of Earth-observation systems that were built at different times by different people for diverse purposes and that use dissimilar data formats and communications techniques to operate smoothly together and form a coherent system? Get the answer at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/6923/04824637
* Fellows’ Work Pushes the Technology Envelope: From developing robotic systems for human rehabilitation to designing outdoor power-system insulators that withstand severe icing, the work of four newly elected Fellows has made the world a better place. Learn about their accomplishments at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/6924/04824637

* Screening for Spam: The IEEE Personal E-mail Alias Service has changed the way it screens incoming e-mail to stop those considered most likely to be spam. On 20 August, the IEEE started automatically applying a minimum level of filtering for users of the service. Learn more at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/6925/04824637* Contest Seeks to Solve Real-World Urban Problems: Think you know enough to solve the technology challenges facing the world’s biggest cities? Can’t get your ideas a fair hearing? You could be heard if you enter the FutureBoston competition. Find out more about the contest at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/6927/04824637

* Don’t Just Play Games: Develop Them! Playing video games is one thing; developing them is quite another. To help you make the leap from player to developer in this billion-dollar industry, the IEEE has partnered with The Game Institute, an online-only school devoted to teaching video-game development. Read on at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/6928/04824637 * Small Waves, Big Conference: European Microwave Week,

Europe’s largest conference on RF and microwaves, is actually four conferences in one: the European Microwave Conference, the European Conference on Wireless Technology, the European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference, and the European Radar Conference. For more information on these events, taking place 8 to 14 October in Munich, visit http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/6929/04824637 * IEEE Spectrum Online Offers More Features: The Spectrum Online Web site has been revamped to offer more features, including dialogues between its editors and readers, as well as new blogs and podcasts. The “Tech Talk” blog continues to cover technology news, while new blogs deal with gaming and gadgets, robotics, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and the ins and outs of soliciting money from venture capitalists. Learn more about the site’s new features at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/6931/04824637 * IEEE Seeks Your Views of Standards History/Early History: Do you have information about important historic events related to the history of IEEE standards and the IEEE’s predecessor organizations? The IEEE Standards Association’s Board of Directors wants to hear from you. IEEE Member Joe Koepfinger is preparing a chronological list of key historic events pertaining to IEEE standards, as well the history of the IEEE’s two founding organizations–the American Institute of Electrical Engineers and the Institute of Radio Engineers. Contact Koepfinger at joseph_l_koepfinger@msn.com
* Nominations Sought for IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award: The deadline to nominate someone for the IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award is 31 January. The award is presented for outstanding early- to midcareer contributions to technologies holding the promise of innovative applications. The recipient is awarded a bronze medal, a certificate, and a cash honorarium. For nomination forms, visit the IEEE Awards Web Site at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/6934/04824637* Candidates Take On Six Key Issues: What do Marc Apter, Pedro Ray, and John Vig–the three candidates for 2008 President-Elect–have to say about the issues of importance to you and the IEEE? Find out at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/6993/04824637

And don’t forget, it’s time to vote. The annual election ballot is due to arrive in members’ mailboxes this month. For more information, visit http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/6994/04824637

* Symposium Explores Plug-In Hybrid Cars: With gas-electric hybrid vehicles enjoying record sales, the next logical step is to develop automobiles that get power directly from an electric outlet. Learn about this technology at an IEEE-sponsored one-day symposium, “Plug-in Hybrids: Accelerating Progress 2007” on 19 September in

Washington, D.C. Read on at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/6995/04824637 And check out six other upcoming conferences focusing on global telecommunications, engineering education, photovoltaics, microwave theory, consumer electronics, and health informatics at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/6996/04824637 * Scientists Press to Save Memorial at Radio Astronomy’s Birthplace: It’s the very place where, in 1931, physicist Karl Guthe Jansky set up the world’s first radio telescope and to his surprise recorded signals from beyond our solar system. Now, a monument commemorating the place where it happened at the Bell Telephone Laboratories campus inHolmdel, N.J., is in danger. Read on at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/6997/04824637 * Initiative Pays Off With Over 75 000 New Members: Recruiting and retaining members is a perpetual problem for most organizations. It is especially challenging at not-for-profits such as the IEEE, where recruiting new members is handled by unpaid volunteers. Read about a group of volunteers who took on the challenge and made 2006 membership skyrocket at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/6999/04824637 * Marketplace of Ideas: Deciding on the First Engineering Degree: The IEEE is considering following the recommendations of several other professional bodies by declaring that a master of science or master of engineering be an engineer’s first professional degree. Find out why at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/7000/04824637
Should the first professional degree in engineering be a bachelor’s or a master’s degree? Weigh in at institute@ieee.org

And check out the responses to June’s question, “Does Your BlackBerry Chain You to Work?” Some disparage the smartphones as electronic tethers while others say they’re great, if not used in excess. See members’ responses at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/7001/04824637* Spotlight on IEEE Societies: Get the latest on five societies: Electromagnetic Compatibility, Solid-State Circuits, Industrial Electronics, Power Electronics, and the Society on Social Implications of Technology at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/7002/04824637

* Student Branches Spur Growth: IEEE student membership in 2006 ended at an all-time high, with a record 80,491 members. Working to help this number grow are IEEE student branches that hold fun events to get students interested in the institute. Read about three newly formed branches and learn how to start a student branch at your own school at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/7004/04824637

* World Travel Takes Over From IEEE Travel Services: Because of a significant decline in revenue from airline ticket sales, IEEE Travel Services will cease operation on 28 September. Instead, starting 1 October, all travel-related business–including airline, train, and hotel reservations–will be handled by the IEEE’s long-time travel partner, World Travel Inc., in

Douglassville, Pa. For more information, visit http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/7005/04824637 * IEEE.tv Adds Five Programs: Five new programs debuting on IEEE.tv cover World War II-vintage communications, entrepreneurship, telecommunications, the Ethernet, and VLSI. Learn about the programs at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/7006/04824637 * Robert Lang: The Physics of Folding Paper: Trains, trees, boats, and bees; IEEE Member Robert Lang can make just about anything out of paper. The 46-year-old physicist turned artist has designed and folded some of the most difficult origami patterns in the world. And he’s developed software that figures out patterns for all sorts of animals, objects, and plants. Read how he moved from physics to become a full-time folder at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/7008/04824637
* Recent Releases from IEEE-Wiley Press: Electric power systems, digital signal processing, and network security are three of the topics covered by five new Wiley-IEEE Press books. Learn more about these new releases and read an interview with author and power system expert Steve Blume at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/7009/04824637

* Observations in Depth: Think “observatory,” and you probably visualize a white dome on a hilltop. But a new generation of observatories will be invisible–beneath the seas. Permanent, unmanned, underwater observatories are being developed by Canada, the European Union, Ireland, Japan, Taiwan, and the

United States. Read on at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/7069/04824637 * Dues Up Slightly Next Year: Basic IEEE membership dues for 2008 will rise to US $126. The $3 increase over this year’s dues is based on the rate of inflation in the United States as measured by the Consumer Price Index. Get the details at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/7070/04824637 * IEEE Fellows: All in the Family: From father-and-son Fellows to siblings and husband-and-wife pairs, there are a number of examples of IEEE Fellows in the family. Read about a few of them at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/7071/04824637 * Four Money Savers From the Financial Advantage Program: The IEEE Group Term Life Plan, Professional Liability Insurance, short-term medical insurance, and student debt consolidation plans are four programs from IEEE Financial Advantage that can save you some cash. For more information, visit http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/7073/04824637
* Part-time Passions: Ballroom Dancing and Model Railroads: IEEE members don’t just work all day. In their spare time many of them pursue some interesting hobbies. Learn about two of them at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/7074/04824637

* IEEE Women in Engineering Launches Magazine: The first magazine to focus on issues facing women who study or work in the IEEE’s fields of interest is set to debut in December. Sponsored by IEEE Women in Engineering, the electronic IEEE WIE Magazine will be published twice next year and, if it’s a hit, quarterly thereafter. Read more at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/7075/04824637

* Three Best-Selling Standards Products: Read about three popular IEEE Standards Association products that cover electrical safety, wireless access in vehicular environments, and ultrawideband radar terminology at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/7077/04824637

* Upgrade Your IT Skills: If you need to bone up on network security, Linux, or Web publishing, check out

CapitolCollege, InQuestra, Learning Tree International, and TrainingCity. Learn more about these four partners in the IEEE Education Partners Program at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/7078/04824637 * Surveys: Going Back to School and Job-Hunting Hurdles: Is continuing education important? Read what 950 IEEE members had to say at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/7079/04824637 And learn about the major barriers to finding a new job, according to 350 unemployed U.S. IEEE members. See the results of the IEEE-USA survey at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/7080/04824637
* Evaluators Sought for Accrediting U.S. Engineering Programs: In cooperation with ABET, the IEEE is seeking engineering professionals to serve as evaluators for

U.S. engineering and engineering technology programs. Applications to be evaluators for the 2007-2008 academic year will be accepted until 15 November. The IEEE is the largest member of ABET, formerly known as the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology. For more information, including application forms, visit http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/7083/04824637 for engineering programs and http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/7084/04824637 for engineering technology programs. * Discount Offered on Workshop Covering IEEE 802 Wireless Standards: Members can save US $150, and student members get a discount of $400, on registration for this new workshop, presented by the IEEE Educational Activities Board and IEEE Standards Association. The Standards Education Workshop is being held in association with the IEEE GLOBECOM conference from 30 November to 1 December, inWashington, D.C. Topics to be covered include the history of wireless standards, wireless LAN standards for Wi-Fi solutions, and the basis of WiMAX mobile broadband networks. GLOBECOM attendees save $50 on the workshop. To register, visit http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/7085/04824637 For more information and to review the preliminary program, go to http://bmsmail3.ieee.org:80/u/7086/04824637