MEMS (Microelectromechanical Systems) in the Bio Microsystem field


Thursday, October 24, 2013 



University of Cincinnati

2850 Campus Way, Cincinnati OH 45221 

Baldwin Hall, Room 544/644

(See attached campus map)



6:30 p.m. –  Dinner  & Social


7:00 p.m. –  Presentation







Professor Ian Papsutsky will be speaking on behalf of the UC IEEE regarding his research on MEMS (Microelectromechanical Systems) in the Bio Microsystem field.  He will have examples of his work on hand for demonstration. 

Description the research lab:

The BioMicroSystems (BMS) Lab performs highly multi-disciplinary research, from fundamental science to applied work. The BioMicroSystems research includes application of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and microfluidics to biology, medicine, and environment, often referred to as BioMEMS. Our mission is to understand and develop microfluidic systems and sensors for improving public health and safety. We also have a strong interest in developing microfabrication and nanofabrication techniques.

Following dinner and presentation, a tour will be available.


Dr. Ian Papautsky is an Associate Professor in the EECE department at the University of Cincinnati since 2000.  He obtained his undergraduate in Biomedical Engineering from Boston University and his Ph.D is Bioengineering from The University of Utah.  He is the Director of the Ohio Center for Microfluidic Innovation and head of the Bio Micro Systems Lab at the university. 


BearCat Sheet Pizzas from Adriaticos.  Cheese, Pepperoni, and Bacon pizzas.  Soft drinks and water will also be provided.


University of Cincinnati

2850 Campus Way, Cincinnati OH 45221 

Baldwin Hall, Room 544/644


Please see map below.  The nearest parking garage is Woodside Garage or the Campus Green Garage.  There is also on street parking on Martin Luther King Blvd and Clifton Ave. 

  1. From the parking garages head inside campus
  2. You will then get to ERC (big orange-ish building with smoke stack like roof) Go up the stairs that will be on your right
  3. Continue through the library square (Brick ground) toward the stairs
  4. Proceed up the stairs and walk through the Zimmer garden toward the other end
  5. When you get to the end take a left and you will be at the front of Baldwin Hall

Once you get to Baldwin Hall, enter the front doors and go right.  You will hit a dead end where there is a water fountain.  Take a left and the first set of big doors on your left will be Baldwin 644.  If you take a right and hit stairs, you’ve gone too far.  


RESERVATIONS:  Please make reservations for each meeting by going to:  Please click on the appropriate link and complete the reservation. 

Reservations close at midnight on October 20, 2013.

An email to prior to the close of reservations is required to properly cancel your reservation.

All Reservations must be made by midnight, Thursday October 20, 2013

PE CREDITS:  Depending on the subject matter, attendance at IEEE Cincinnati Section Meetings now qualifies the attendee for Professional Development Hours towards renewal of Professional Engineers Licenses. Required documentation will be available following the meeting!  The Section Meetings also provide a great opportunity to network with fellow engineers in the area.